URSA Company Limited Company was established in May 2016 by two Directors experienced and qualified in the area of Supply Chain and Finance.
The Management
The management of the company have proven qualification and experiences with high level of management capabilities.
With office in Kibaha , Tanzania, understand local conditions and the operating environments of the regions where we work.
Directors convenes regularly to discuss policy issues including project management and company strategies for the future activities.
Also, Departments meet regularly with its staffs/ professionals in order to identify and address current issues as well as to discuss on-going projects and other relevant matters.
The Directors bring in the potential blend of their Expertise to URSA Company Ltd with focuses on
1. Provision of Logistics service
2. Provision of General Supply .
3. Supply chain Consultation to the Clients.
4. Wholesale Crops Distributors

To exceed our customers’ expectations in quality, delivery, and cost through continuous improvement and
customer interaction...
Lead with humility and respect.
Earn trust through authenticity and accountability.
Cultivate mutually beneficial partnerships with customers, associates and suppliers.
Practice servant leadership and demand the highest standards.

To be the first class leading Company in providing: reliable, quality Trusted Products and Services and meeting
Customer requirements and expectations at
affordable cost and at the required time.

It is our obligation to support the actions of the government of Republic of Tanzania in the task of creating employments through industrialization and contributing positively in the economic growth of our Nation. Our customer is our employer and our survival depends on our customer’s satisfaction by delivering very high quality and satisfactory services. Our employees are key stakeholders of the company. We are bound to provide them with a good working conditions, proper tools and protective gear, continuous training, rewarding, motivation and promotion.